The winner will be the one who has won the highest points. The rods are taken in the hand at first. Then, it is by suddenly opening the hand that the rods fall on the table. In case of an unsatisfactory throw, the player is allowed to repeat that throw. Now, the player tries to lift the rods individually with the fingers. Without other rods however being allowed to move, when the Mikado has been lifted, it may be used for lifting further rods. It is by pressing the finger on the tip of the rod that the latter may be ted most easily. If another rod is moved then the number of points won must be total ed up; the next player may then begin with a new throw. The number of rounds to be played should be agreed upon before starting the game. This toy is suitable for indoor or outdoor play.
- Age: 3 Years and up
- Contents: 31 Wooden Pick-Up Sticks, 1 Instruction Manual, 1 Sliding Box
- Product Dimensions (approx): : Stick Length: 17.6 cm, Box - 19.2 cm (length) x 4.2 cm (width) x 2.4 cm (height)
- Box Dimensions (approx): 10 cm (length) x 11 cm (width) x 5 cm (height)
- Brand: Simple Days
- Material: Wood
- Country of Origin: India